
Here you will find selected publications about ArcTron 3D projects.

Graphics and digital reconstructions from ArcTron 3D

The current issue “Bayerische Archäologie” shows some of our reconstruction proposals and graphics of the Roman fort Boiotro, Passau.

Television report on the specialized event
"Focus: New Media in Museums and Exhibitions".

Here is a link to the TV report with some impressions of the event. (Ger.)

GEO Magazine: Valcamonica -
A Revolution in Archaeology

In the issue 02/February 2014 the GEO Magazine reports in an 11-page article about the current research work “3D-Pitoti” in Valcamonica.

Extract from the table of contents:
Im Fokus der Forschung: Im Tal der Püppchen (Ger.)

A huge archive of prehistoric engravings covers the sandstone humps in Valcamonica. Researchers want to use 3D technology to reveal the secret of the "Pitoti": the little puppets from the Stone Age.
3D-Pitoti GEO Magazin 2-2014 Im Tal der Püppchen